Evil Dominion


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Ale for beur
This quest takes place in east freeport it will build your faction to as high as you like, you have to do the quest over and over to build faction high enough to buy and sell in freeport, if you are pure evil and are not even alowed in town you might want to hunt orc's in east commons before you do the quest, The first thing to do is buy alot of dwarven ale 4 stacks should build your faction enough to beable to buy and sell in freeport. Beur Tenlah stands in the tunnels Close to the dock's in east freeport. He is thirsty, but to lazy to go to the tavern for his favorite dwarven brew. Go buy buy dwarven ale and give it to Beur Tenlah you will gain some experience,and faction and his thanks, You will also recieve a new quest from dwarven
friend Harkin, NOTE: if you are an evil race the ogre in teh bar will kill anyone evil who walks into the bar to buy the ale so its a good idea to get it somewhere else if you are an evil race , For the true faction after giveing the ale to Beur Tenlah ( Harkin <(the dwarf beside Beur will give you a new quest ) He ask you to take a note to
someone in West freeport, do this to build faction faster , their is also a female dark elf in a room not far from Beur and Harkin that also gives you a quest for faction its basically about the same quest do this along with
the first one to build your faction quicker.
I am Anzia~ i just tried this today~i bought 7 stacks of the ale and gave it to the guy~but it didn't seems to work~ note note~~ try at your own risk of PPs
By Vandaraman